Developing software whilst being innovative

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Innovation is the key to success in software development. The world is no longer being introduced to technology – we live in it fully and trust technology to help us every step of the way. Consequently, creating something that isn’t already there is almost impossible. Things, that would be considered innovative 20 years ago are now normal. So how to stay innovative and succeed in software development when everything has already been done? Well… Do it better!

Innovation – what does it actually mean?

By definition, innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements and existing market needs. It means something original and more effective than the solutions we already know and use. In software development, it could also be brought to novelties that are created to meet the growing consumer needs and demands. Putting it in another words, for software developers, innovation is all about making the existing things that much better, more useful and responding to users needs as well as possible.

Recent software shifts

Software market has experienced some major shifts in the recent years. The most significant ones can be named huge innovative steps. However, shifting your company from servers to windows to mobile and cloud platforms has already been done by the biggest players on the market. Although they would be innovative for your own company, it would not be a novelty in a broader sense. Using already existing trends and building your innovative software development process with those trends in mind is considered innovative, as long as it means that your products are improving and are up to date with the demands of the industry.

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Innovation as a service

Small company from Poland has unique service called Innovation-as-a-Service. It contains guarantee of developing software with fresh ideas and solution – something your company could really benefit from. For further information please visit

How to stay innovative

Listen. Listen to your customers, listen to your colleagues, listen to the industry and observe the changes that are happening and need to happen. Innovation is no longer about invention – they have been thought to be the same for a long time, but this is not the case anymore. Even small changes are innovative as long as they mean improvement from the level you started at. Think about the recent Apple releases. They weren’t anything new. But implementing solutions they haven’t before, they were in fact innovative in their own line of products. Software is used in almost every industry now. As long as you make people’s work easier by implementing solutions they need to your software, you are being innovative.